Video Statement by Marco Cappato - DROI Coordinator - on 2004-" />
Video Statement by Marco Cappato - DROI Coordinator - on 2004-"/>

[60SEC] Marco Cappato MEP (DROI Coordinator - ALDE-ADLE)

2009-05-14 65 Dailymotion

"60 seconds with... "

Video Statement by Marco Cappato - DROI Coordinator - on 2004-2009 ALDE Achievements.

ALDE has argued that human rights and fundamental freedoms must always be respected in the fight against terrorism and that better co-operation and sharing of existing information between law enforcement agencies is more effective than indiscriminate data-mining and profiling practices without appropriate safeguards. At the same time, ALDE has introduced a new political concept in the EP: the right for democracy.

[60 Seconds] [Statements] [Language IT]